Anton Harder
Strategic Advisor
Dr. Anton Harder is an academic specializing in the foreign policy and politics of modern China and India. He is currently completing a book on the diplomatic relations of the People’s Republic of China and India in the early Cold War and his work has appeared in various academic publications such as the Journal of Modern Asian Studies and the Wilson Center’s Bulletin of Cold War History. His research has involved prolonged spells in both China and India working with the archives of their respective foreign ministries. Dr Harder has taught Chinese and Asian modern history in the UK at both the University of Nottingham and (currently) the London School of Economics.
Prior to academia Dr. Harder worked in international commodity shipping in both Beijing and London. Initially as an analyst of the dry bulk shipping market he studied China’s impact on the supply and demand of freight, particularly in terms of the steel and power industries. And as a broker and principal he negotiated freight and time-charter contracts with counterparts in the dry bulk market and developed new business in China.
Dr. Harder has a PhD from the London School of Economics. He is a native English speaker, lived in China for twelve years, and speaks and reads Mandarin Chinese fluently.